To balance cost-effective management and secure storage equipment?

QSAN Newsletter
QSAN DAY 2021 Micro-Second Enterprise Storage Solutions for All Sizes of Business

Data is sprawling much faster than ever and the innovation of new technology such as Artificial Intelligent, 5G, and edge computing all require stronger computing power and super-fast data processing power.
For over 15 years, QSAN has been dedicated to creating high-performance and reliable storage solutions with low latency for businesses of all sizes.

Here’s what you can do with QSAN 4 Product lines:

QSAN 4 Product lines applications and features

Our Target Applications – IT Infrastructure
Stable and cost-effective target application in IT
QSAN helps IT staff save their maintenance effort with the stable and cost-effective target application.
There’ll be an application server connected with our primary storage, all-flash array, or XCubeSAN, for the high IOPS and low latency performance. And from the end side, you can connect to a block or file storage for cost-effective local backup.
If your business is looking for a file sharing and backup solution that does not need ultra-high-speed performance, setting up a QSAN unified or file storage will be a good option. Moreover, cloud backup works smoothly for the QSAN XCubeNAS series, and as for remote backup, XCubeSAN, NXT, and NAS are your ideal choice